The first part of this article focuses on one strand in the history of the weekly magazine Przyjaciel Dzieci (The Children’s Friend) under the editorship of Jan Skiwski (1892–1911), i.e. the gradual revision of the rules concerning the selection of its literary content, laid down by his predecessor Jan Kanty Gregorowicz (1867–1890). Skiwski modified them without abandoning the principles and artistic models of 19th century realism.Pierwsza część artykułu przedstawia dzieje wydawnicze tygodnika „Przyjaciel Dzieci” za redakcji Jana Skiwskiego (1892–1911) i przeobrażenia jego zawartości literackiej, polegające na ostrożnej rewizji zasad z czasów kadencji Jana Kantego Gregorowicza (1867–1890) przy zachowaniu podstawowych związków ze wzorcami ar...
The article is an edition of an anonymous print from the second half of XVIII century: Przywileje da...
“Przyjaciel Ludu Łecki” (1842, 1844) is the first secular Protestant magazine in Polish – addressed ...
The article deals with the diverse images of Polishchuk in Polish writing in the interwar period. T...
The first part of this article focuses on one strand in the history of the weekly magazine Przyjacie...
The second part of this article examines the content of the main sections of the weekly magazine Prz...
This article is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the numerous technological and for...
The Literary Union (1891-1899)The author of the article has undertaken an attempt to present the his...
Father Marceli Dziurzyński (1861–1945) was a noted publisher and editor of a number of magazines, ma...
Na marginesie zainteresowań naukowych profesora Adama Małkiewicza autor przypomina postać Józefa Łus...
In 1884, during a jubilee of the 300th anniversary of Jan Kochanowski’s death, so-called monumental ...
The article reviews the issues of the “Tygodnik Ilustrowany” magazine, which included in the collect...
The published letters of Z. Sarnecki illustrate contacts of both representatives of Polish literatur...
Artykuł zawiera zwięzła prezentację polsko-żydowskiego czasopisma „Okienko na Świat. Pismo dla dziec...
Artykuł stanowi pionierską próbę przedstawienia sylwetki czasopisma „Ilustracja Polska” — pierwszego...
The article is related to the establishment and the development of women’s magazines which were publ...
The article is an edition of an anonymous print from the second half of XVIII century: Przywileje da...
“Przyjaciel Ludu Łecki” (1842, 1844) is the first secular Protestant magazine in Polish – addressed ...
The article deals with the diverse images of Polishchuk in Polish writing in the interwar period. T...
The first part of this article focuses on one strand in the history of the weekly magazine Przyjacie...
The second part of this article examines the content of the main sections of the weekly magazine Prz...
This article is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the numerous technological and for...
The Literary Union (1891-1899)The author of the article has undertaken an attempt to present the his...
Father Marceli Dziurzyński (1861–1945) was a noted publisher and editor of a number of magazines, ma...
Na marginesie zainteresowań naukowych profesora Adama Małkiewicza autor przypomina postać Józefa Łus...
In 1884, during a jubilee of the 300th anniversary of Jan Kochanowski’s death, so-called monumental ...
The article reviews the issues of the “Tygodnik Ilustrowany” magazine, which included in the collect...
The published letters of Z. Sarnecki illustrate contacts of both representatives of Polish literatur...
Artykuł zawiera zwięzła prezentację polsko-żydowskiego czasopisma „Okienko na Świat. Pismo dla dziec...
Artykuł stanowi pionierską próbę przedstawienia sylwetki czasopisma „Ilustracja Polska” — pierwszego...
The article is related to the establishment and the development of women’s magazines which were publ...
The article is an edition of an anonymous print from the second half of XVIII century: Przywileje da...
“Przyjaciel Ludu Łecki” (1842, 1844) is the first secular Protestant magazine in Polish – addressed ...
The article deals with the diverse images of Polishchuk in Polish writing in the interwar period. T...